Saturday, December 21, 2013


Let's just start with the definition: in·ter·im  (ntr-m)n.An interval of time between one event, process, or period and another.adj.Belonging to, serving during, or taking place during an intermediate interval of time; temporary: an interim agreement. See Synonyms at temporary.

Temporary, discontinuity, hiccup and  intermission some synonyms that may help you digest the true meaning.  An interval of time between one event, process, or period and another.

Don't be disilutioned that the interm, will become your head coach.
I have recently gone through this misconception, passion and emotion were contagious and resulted in Wins!  Hard not to when you can see the direct result, see players engaged and fighting for someone they love.  However, the end result was loosing one of the best recruiters and a "Interim" HC that had players playing passionately.  Brought in former players immediately for prep talks, amrcus Allen and Ray Lewis and even cookies back in the John McKay Center.

Remember its a business, and not just in the NFL, High School, College and the Pros.

No matter that Kubiak inherited  the 2-14 Texans, took them to playoffs had a stroke during a game, after the loss in Jacksonville, was fired, to be replaced by Wade Phillips who stepped in earlier after Coach was recouping. He also had 0-4 record.

Jack del Rio, stepped up and in for Coach Fox, 3-1 for the Broncos, meriting a game ball, Coach is back, so even though he also was persued by USC's Pat Haden for HC with the Trojans, he's back to D-cord.

USC's Pat Haden did the same, but to an interim who brought back USC football to the locker room, on the field and in the fans, after a loss to home town rival UCLA was abruptly replaced by WU Steve Sarkasian someone who had a PAC 12 record (24-21)  vs the "interim" Coach O's (6-1) record after taking the reins.

However, the Trojans (9-4) will be playing Saturday in the Las Vegas Bowl with yet one more (temporary) interim HC where they meet the (11-1) Fresno Bulldogs.  The last time these two met were at the Coliseum in 2005 with Pete Carrol at the helm.  The result 50-42 USC.
The dominos effect trickling as a direct result leaves Boise and Washington interims.

Many misconceived ideas arise, especially when the emotion and the W's come.  But remind yourself with what it actually means.

Desiree Astorga 
Photographer, Reporter, Producer, Host; TV/Radio 
Time out with Desiree, The Silver Linings
 An optimistic realist with intermittent football turrets all the while searching for the 3rd dimension. 
The DesireeSHOW    

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


The most prestigious award in college football goes to Jameis Winston whose eyes are set on much much more; The NFL, MLB and Florida State.

Filled with determination, confidence, humility and a sparkle in his eye, the 78th Heisman winner becomes the youngest to date, the second freshman, the 3rd seminole, a dual athlete and a desire to be better than Bo.

Jameis Winston joins Florida State's Charlie Ward and Chris Weinke on the Heisman List with 79.20% of the vote. The 19 year old dons the honor 23 days shy of his birthday. But don't think for a moment that he's putting down his glove, bat or his books. He has a vision and his heart is set on more .

"Education's always first thing," Winston said. "So when people keep asking, 'Jameis, are you leaving next year?' and all this stuff, I say, 'I need my education.' That's what it's really about."

The outfielder and relief pitcher already was drafted in 2012 in the 15th round to The Texas Rangers, but decided to stay in college. He continues to play both for FSU.

"I don't feel I can play football without baseball," Winston said. "I don't feel I can play baseball without football."

He is encouraged by FSU Head Football Coach Jimbo Fisher stating he has no problem with his star quarterback's plan to play baseball. In fact, he thinks it might help create a diversion from all the hype that will follow him winning the Heisman.

With a select group of dual Athletes, specifically NFL/MLB connection he stands a good chance to join an exceptional list. Bo Jackson, Deion Sanders , John Elway, Dan Marino, Jack Del Rio, Ronnie Brown, Bill Parcell's and even more recent Jake Locker, Colin Kaepernick, Brandon Weedon, Matt Moore and Brandon Jones.

The 6' 4" Alabama native holds Bo Jackson, the 51st Heisman Winner, in the highest esteem. Ironically Winston and his 13-0 Seminoles will meet Jackson's alma mater, the Tigers (12-1) in the BCS Championship game on his 20th birthday, January 6th, 2013 at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, CA.

"He's a way better athlete than I ever will be," Winston said. "But hopefully I can be to his standard one day. Hopefully I can be better than Bo."

No possible way not to mention, Seminole's two time super bowl champ Deion Sanders, who also chimed in on Twitter

DeionSanders ‏@DeionSanders14 Dec
Yes Jamies Winston wins the Heisman. #FlaState Truth

Deion who in 1989 hit a home run in the majors and scored a TD in the NFL in the same week. Sanders also drafted in high school chose Florida State and was drafted again by the Yankees in 1988. He is the only man to play in both the Super Bowl and the World Series.

"Football is my wife and baseball is my mistress." Sanders

And with the Auburn Tigers in the talks, I can't omit Ronnie Brown, the outfielder also Drafted out of high school to the Seattle Mariners, opted to pick school, the college experience and play football at Auburn, but told me "baseball was really my first sport."  Brown continues to play in the NFL for the San Diego Chargers.

Congratulations Jameis!!
With a good head on his shoulders, strong team of mentors and drive, he is sure to make his dreams come to life. I, for one, am looking forward to watching that happen.

Desiree Astorga
Photographer, Reporter, Producer, Host; TV/Radio
Time out with Desiree, the silver linings
An optimistic realist with intermittent football turrets all the while searching for the 3rd dimension.
The DesireeSHOW