It reminded me of the making of HUD home everyone helping at any and all capacities. Dynamite crew!!!
This clinic is extra special, its my sister's vision.
I feel so blessed to be apart of her dream come to life.
Check out
Amazing Clinic for so much good!! Can you imagine being a kid and going to the Doctor - how exciting it would be to go!!
Here's a couple contacts of the murals and boards I painted, along with Gabriela Menendez art, my sister's right hand.
Front Door
Outside storage and work out area
painted by Gabriela
and inside, below
Dr Riba's Club House
painted by Gabriela
designed by Dr Riba & Gabbie
Gabbie room
Fenway room
I painted Bleacher/ Pendants
Observation Room
I painted the 3d fish outside the door, Gabbie the sub
Richard erected the aquarium print
Snow room
this was all my baby,
3d and boards
Lil more detail
Surf Room, I painted the boards
Video of transformation coming soon!
Opening Ceremonies/ Ribbon Cutting was May 4th, sorry for my delay in posting.